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Seven Blood-Stained Orchids (1972)

Seven Blood-Stained Orchids (1972) - Mystery Movies 92 minutes. Seitsemän veristä orkideaa, 7 Veristä Orkideaa, Adieu tueur, Sept orchidées tachées de sang, 7 ορχιδέες βουτηγμένες στο αιμα, Siete orquídeas manchadas de sangre, Семь окровавленных орхидей, Das Rätsel des silbernen Halbmonds, Sedam orhideja uprskanih krvlju, Sedam krvlju umrljanih orhideja. A maniac on the loose is committing savage acts of slaughter, and one survivor may be the only key to unmasking the serial slayer known as the Half-Moon Killer. The mysterious half-moon lockets he leaves with his victims could be the only key to unraveling his sinister motives, but will that be enough before he completes his ice-cold plot to claim his intended seven victims? , , , ,